Sunday, March 11, 2007

Philly Beer Week 2008

Allow us to catch you up-to-date in case you've taken a hiatus from beer this past weekend (and, if so, what were you thinking?!) The Olympics of Beer (I think that's my title, given the wide stretch of events across the region) has been announced. After weeks of speculation, the news was broken by Bruce Nichols at the Michael Jackson Tutored Beer Tasting at UPenn yesterday. We were fortunate to have been in attendance for this fantastic news. Later the news ran rampant across the wire. Here are few places where you can get more info. As things continue to develop over the next year, you can be sure that we'll have the information up-to-date for you here. Lew Bryson Jack Curtin Beer Yard Beer Advocate

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

Wow... that's REALLY exciting! Guess I will be taking a week off of work in March next year ;-)