Sunday, September 23, 2007

Founders Kentucky Breakfast Stout at Teresa's Next Door in Wayne, PA

On Saturday night, the geek might get the girl, but Sunday mornings the geek gets the beer. Apparently, there were around 20 rabid beer lovers waiting for the doors to open at 11am. The KBS started flowing.
I arrived around 12:25 and most of the first guests had already headed out, presumably to get setup for the Eagles and Phillies games. But, there was still a long row of the dark bourbon stout lining the bartop.
When I left around 1:30, the best estimation was that there was still around 1/4 of the sixtel remaining. Nice to see that there may be some remaining for Eagles fans to (hopefully) celebrate after the game today. If that's the case, the beer won't remain 'til tomorrow, but everyone at least had a fair shot at it while it lasted.
Oh, how was it you ask? Smooth, bourbon sweet, at the same time dry and woodsy, and listed surprisingly at 10% ABV. Followed it up with a Thirsty Dog Siberian Night Imperial Stout, which is better in some ways, in my ever-so-humble opinion. Paired with the eggs, scrapple, potatoes, and toast it was a nice hearty breakfast. The dish was called Pennsyltucky, which I just enjoy saying for some reason.
Overall, very nice introduction to Teresa's Next Door's brunch menu. Prices are decent hovering around $10-ish and the lineup of beer was satisfying as usual. Will follow-up with tap list in separate posting later today.

1 comment:

  1. Wayne people attempting to do the redneck theme is kinda funny but they shoulda went all out...where were the drop biscuits & gravy and NASCAR?? :p Go Hokies!!
