Friday, March 21, 2008

More Potpourri, then I'm caught up...maybe

Tacking on to stuff I posted yesterday, here's some more odds and ends floating around out there. - Nothing odd about this. Continuing his way-excellent beer reporting in Philly, Joe Sixpack puts out this video in conjunction with - Don, er I mean Joe, put together a set of links that he's compiled thusfar related to Philly Beer Week. I'd mentioned to him at The Brewer's Plate that it would be great marketing for next year to show a melange (barrage?) of media related "stuff" from PBW 2008. Glad you took my advice Don ;-) By the way, Don, I'm still waiting to see the beer-stained proclamation. - Brewers Association announced their '75 Years of Beer' promotion taking place at various participating places across the country. Check out their website for something interesting to do near you.

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