Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Philly Runs for Beer - General Lafayette

Fear not, non-runners. I will be conducting the bulk of the gory detail about these beer runs through private e-mail. But, I will put initial notices (and wrap-ups, if interesting enough) up here in the public domain whether you ask for them or not. If this is all new to you and you need some background info, you could check here....or over here. After a few weeks of starting to lay the base, I'm ready to (finally) begin my 2009 marathon training. I promised to keep the fellow runners up-to-date with my schedule should they wish to join me. The first group run of my training plan will begin and end in Lafayette Hill at the General Lafayette Inn & Brewery, home of marathon finisher and proprietor Chris Leonard. The route will be just a tick or two over 3.5 miles, touching on Forbidden Drive along the Wissahickon Creek along the way. At the end, Chris will have the house specialties awaiting our return. My e-mail with all of the remaining details will come by this weekend to those who have previously "opted-in." If you haven't told me that you'd like to be part of the distribution list, you can do so now by sending me a quick note. If you already have, don't do it again (please!) as my mailbox is nearing capacity. Nearly 100 of you have replied in the past, so chances are you've already know who you are.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty psyched, the General is probably my favorite brewpub in the whole wide world. Hope I can make it!
