Monday, August 11, 2008

Fresh Hopping at the General Lafayette

Heard from Chris last night. The beer's ready to be loaded up into the bright tanks. It looks as if the DIY hop project has succeeded this year and we can look forward to trying some of their new "Belgian-style pale" brew as early as next week. If it's the only reason you're heading to the pub, you may wish to call first to check its availability. Here's a bit of the notes from Chris back in July.
We at the General Lafayette Inn & Brewery have been growing and harvesting our own Hallertau hops since 1999. This year's combination of intermittent rain and dry, sunny days have contributed to large, abundant hop cone growth. We will be employing them to brew a Belgian-style pale ale some time this week. We do not know their alpha acid content, but they appear (smell, taste) quite mild. So, we will only use them as an aroma addition in our kettle, late in the boil process. Look for our fresh-hop Belgian Pale Ale in mid- to late-August. Cheers, Christopher W Leonard, Brewmaster/Proprietor

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