Monday, October 27, 2008

Where The 2008 World Series Was Won

How many special locations can you come up with to watch the final game of this year's World Series (a little optimism please)? I'd recommend that wherever you might head out to, that you make it one of Philadelphia's finest neighborhood pubs. I can count at least 20 that you might choose from. Germantown/Chestnut Hill/Mt. Airy to Manayunk to Old City to anywhere across South Philly, there's bound to be a spot (albeit a crowded spot) for you to park your fandom for some good food, beer, and baseball. Here's one suggestion that jumps out of my email inbox...I haven't ruled out that this could be our destination tonight. Memphis Taproom. Local food, beer, flatscreen, real people, real good time for sure...
How the Westvleteren Was Won The Phillies are coming home to WIN! Join Memphis Taproom for all of the upcoming World Series action, but especially on the night the Phils WIN the the whole thing. Memphis Taproom will be toasting our World Series Champions in high style, with a couple of six-packs of Westvleteren 6 and 8 for fans in attendance. Westvleteren beers are some of the hardest beers to find in the world, made by the clergy at the St. Sixtus Monastary in Belgium. What better way to combine a love of the Phillies and raging beer-geekdom? Over at The Beer Lass's website, Foobooz local glossary of food and drink, and of course Joe Sixpack's newspaper column, you'll find plenty more options to help you with the decision of where to watch tonight's game.


  1. So are those bottles still cooling their heels somewhere? Damn weather.

  2. Damn Bud Selig and his inability to make a decision to stop the game before it started or at least before it got to be a sloppy shitty mess.

    And damn him for stopping the game just when I cracked open a Westy 12 and didn't get to finish it because I had to get to sleep!
