Monday, July 04, 2011

Tired Hands are not idle hands

Tired Hands Brewing Company, Construction Update #1

Jean, Collin, and the wrecking crew at the future Tired Hands Brewing Company in Ardmore are wasting no time making a brewery out of a former doctor/chiropractor office space.

Did you see the picture Jack Curtin posted on Saturday? He followed up yesterday with some additional notes.

He was there not long after owners Jean and Julie showed up to begin assessing first-day demolition plans. He got a good deal of scoop on plans for later this year when they intend to open, if all goes according to plans.

I showed up later, closer to dinner time, and found Jean with one of his operating owners, Collin Farrell (the former Iron Hill and Manayunk brewer, not the actor) and "Magic Man" Colin (sheer coincidence) armed with sledge hammers, pry bars, and reciprocating saws.

Apparently, in the six hours since Curtin had been there, quite a lot had changed. Fast forward another 24 hours to check out Broillet's pictures posted over on Facebook and you'll find even more progress being made. Today, I'm sure was no different.

No surprise, I suppose, since these guys are young and destruction work is always faster, more fun, and requires last care than does construction.

The next generation of craft brewers is upon us, folks. See also: Forest & Main; McKenzie Brew House; Dock Street; Roy Pitz, just to name a few. Get ready.

There will be plenty more construction updates and pictures in the weeks and months to come.

Oh, and I should end with a bit of a mea culpa. "Light snacks", as I mentioned yesterday? What a gross injustice I did in those two words to the food plans that Broillet has at Tired Hands. Sure, there won't be a full-scale kitchen, but it won't be pringles and gherkins either. Expect sandwiches, on-site baked bread, cheeses, meats, and other "simple and satisfying foods". Much better than "light snacks" :)

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