Monday, February 06, 2012

Weekly Brew Bits Update: 2/6/12

So 1/12 of the year is behind us. Around the northeast, most of us have been spared thus far typical brutal winter weather. That's been good for getting out and doing things.

Still lots to be said around here and I'm still finding my way around as briefly as possible bringing you all up-to-speed with things you may have missed in previous week.

What do you think? Has this been working for you? Or...meh?

~ The Eulogy/Beneluxx folks have opened with a concept that was originally supposed to be some sort of German/Chinese mashup (go figure that one out), but now look to be strictly focused on German. Not much to speak of from a German beer angle in this historially German-influenced culture in Pennsylvania. Should Brauhaus Schmitz worry. Probably too early for that.

~ Here, once again, is a story not really about beer. More, though, surprised that Federal Donuts (fried chicken and donuts, which apparently many of you have been flipping for) gets mention in the New York Times. Wow. Really?

~ Bavarian Barbarian is shutting down operations after four years in the business in upstate Pennsylvania. Conversations I've had recently make me wonder if this is not the beginning of similar news in the coming years for small guys like this.

~ Anytime you can get a nice referral from Lew Bryson, that's gonna count for something good. Here's Old Forge Brewing Company from Danville, Pa. coming to the Philadelphia area market (via Bella Vista). Check out Bryson's notes on last week's release tour; then go find some for yourself.

~ Nice shout-out to Iron Hill and the burgeoning South Jersey craft beer scene.

~ From a craft beer perspective, not quite sure yet which of these to care a whole lot about. Will take some on-site investigation, I'm sure. How about any of you? Visit there yet?

~ Victory's own Matt Krueger needs our help raising money and awareness. Go here and chip in.

~ out of northeastern Pennsylvania has uncovered a Sierra Nevada-Russian River collaboration (with "bugs"!). Check it out.

~ This was pretty awesome to see up in Rochester, New York. They sure do love them some Sly Fox from NYC to Buffalo.

~ The unfortunate demise of the 49ers at the hands of the New Jersey Giants resulted in Anchor making good on its wager with Brooklyn Brewery. Here are some notes from Anchor.

~ Speaking of the Bay Area, still holding as one of my favorite "big" IPAs is Racer X from Bear Republic. Now comes word that they're releasing it in 22 ounce bombers during San Francisco Beer Week to be followed by a nationwide release in the fall of 2012.

~ And, one big last-but-not-least Bay Area blurb. Three words: Pliny The Younger. Straight from the source. Commence frothing you fine beer geeks.

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