Friday, March 07, 2014

Brewers Plate 2014 is in two days

On one hand, it doesn't surprise me in the least that annual food and beer extravaganza, The Brewer's Plate, is still going strong after ten years. I remember it (and, fondly so) in its early years at the Reading Terminal Market, such a fitting place to showcase food and an agricultural beverage such as beer.

Since those first couple of years, it's been around. To the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (pretty excellent venue), Independence Visitors Center (not so much so), and the National Constitution Center (pretty darned good, as well).

This year, it sets up in two days at the Kimmel Center on Broad Street, just south of City Hall. If it's anything like the event I attended there last year, it should work out quite fine. An aesthetically pleasing venue, too.

Tickets are apparently scarce and nearing sellout (I'm pretty sure that's not just marketing speak either). As in the past, this event comes with my strongest personal recommendation. Go. Eat. Drink. Dance. Be Merry and Enjoy some the best tastes life has to offer.

Do you need further encouragement to help with the decision-making? The organizers sent along some sample pairing to whet your appetite.

Digging up some of the words and pictures from the past from this side of the desk, here's what I came across as if you need any additional enticement. Hope to see you there.

2013, at The Brew Lounge

2012, at The Brew Lounge

2011, posted up over at The Washington Times Communities.

2011, at The Brew Lounge

2007, at The Brew Lounge

2006, at The Brew Lounge

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