Saturday, February 09, 2019

Flagship February daily feature - Neshaminy Creek Trauger Pilsner

Today we turn to Bucks County for the featured flagship of the day. It's Trauger Pilsner from Neshaminy Creek, which burst on the Philly beer scene nearly 7 years ago gathering tons of acclaim, still warranted today, for the classic Pilsner. We were quickly introduced to other excellent beers that I could have featured here today from Neshaminy Creek instead — Churchville Lager (Gold and Bronze medals at GABF), Croydon Cream, J.A.W.N., and Shape Of Hops To Come.

If today's feature has taught me anything, it's that while I know of their Borough Brewhouse satellite location, I still have not been there. The atmosphere and food menu look like something I could spend a few hours with.

Now go click the picture below for a full feature on Neshaminy Creek's Trauger Pilsner.

If you're just jumping in during the middle of this and want to know what this is all about, link back here to see the Flagship February overview as well as an ongoing list of all beers I'm featuring during the month of February.

Disclosure: For this project, I solely created the list of 28 beers featured here on The Brew Lounge. I was in contact with each brewery and neither required nor requested complimentary samples. I purchased today's Neshaminy Creek beer at retail.

© Bryan J. Kolesar and The Brew Lounge, 2019. All content is owned and uniquely created by Bryan J. Kolesar. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from Kolesar is strictly prohibited. Excerpts, images, and links may be used with advance permission granted and only provided that full and clear credit is given to Bryan J. Kolesar and The Brew Lounge with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Contact Kolesar at

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