Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Oktoberfest starts right.....about.....now at Sly Fox

(get up close and personal with a can of Oktoberfest from Sly Fox; you likely should not be disappointed)

And, increasingly too, at many craft breweries across the country.

Heck, the card shops have not only Halloween gifts and decorations on the shelves already, but Jolly Ol' St. Nick is making an appearance as well.

So, by comparison, these Oktoberfest beers are only around 6 weeks early and that makes it sound not so unreasonable. Plus, why get so hung up on "drinking seasonally" anyway. Good beer is good beer no matter the time of year, yes?

Sly Fox's hit the distributors yesterday and a fresh can was a parting gift for me from regional brewery rep Corey Reid at Rino's last week when he stopped by to conduct a free tasting event.

This is one of the Philadelphia region's finest Oktoberfest offerings in my opinion. It's got everything you want going on in an Oktoberfest-"styled" beer. Sturdy enough but not too full-bodied, just bitter-hopped enough to be noticable but not overwhelming, and weighing in under 6% ABV so you can put a few of these back (as long as you also are sturdy and full-bodied) without feeling dramatic effects.

I'm looking forward to quite of few of these in the coming weeks. Get some and spread the gemuchlichkeit.

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