Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2009, in every year a little rain must fall

Be still sad heart and cease repining; Behind the clouds the sun is shining, Thy fate is the common fate of all, Into each life a little rain must fall, Some days must be dark and dreary. ~ Longfellow

It's inevitable, but jarring nonetheless, that good friends and family members will pass away from this little blue marble. 2009 was no different as the craft brewing industry lost some noteworthy figures. And, October was a particularly sad month for many in the industry. I don't pretend that I've kept a perfect list of everyone that has passed away in this past calendar year, so if I've missed someone that deserves mention here, please drop a private note to me or a simple comment below. Let's raise a glass in these last couple of days of 2009 to the following individuals:

William Brand, 70, February 2009, accident (read more at The Oakland Tribune and Bottoms Up

Martin N. Friedland, 83, May 2009 (

Gary Bredbenner, 44, October 2009, pulmonary embolism (read more from Lew Bryson, Jack Curtin, and the Daily News)

Greg Noonan, 58, October 2009, cancer (read more at Burlington Free Press)

Dick Young, 56, October 2009, brain aneurysm (read more at The News Tribune)

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