Sunday, January 06, 2008

Craft Beer in the Mainstream Press

Nothing too heady here this morning to report. Just a nice way to start my Sunday by perusing the Philadelphia Inquirer to find the restaurant reviews to focus for a second straight week on local better beer haunts. Last week it was Craig Laban rendering his not-so-favorable impressions of the new Belgian Cafe. This week it is Rick Nichols taking his turn, giving a decidedly more favorable review of the new Dock Street Brewery in the Cedar Park neighborhood. Though, to be fair, the kudos were given as much, if not more so, to their daring entry into the rough fringe neighborhood than for the food and beer, which were given decent if not lukewarm reviews. Still, it's looking like 2007 began to give us quite a view of the place that craft beer and its brewpubs will continue to have in mainstream press in 2008. This is happening across the country from the New York Times (Eric Asimov) to the Contra Costa Times (William Brand); There are too many examples to cite. But, at least here in the Philadelphia region, no less than the Philadelphia Inquirer (the Daily News too, of course with Joe Sixpack), Philadelphia Weekly and City Paper, and Philadelphia Magazine have made these types of articles a regular occurrence. Stay tuned for more...

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